Adapted Affection

Posted: under News.

The attack of the infectado vector generally occurs during the adapted day being the same to the urban environment. In its larvria phase it lives in the clean water and stop, in the water stored for domestic use, or in any place where it has accumulated clean water. Not it has transmission for direct contact of a sick person or in its secretions with a healthy person, nor through sources of water or food. After an incubation period of two the eight days, changeable periods of person for person, the clinical manifestations are observed. Being thus classified in four groups: the group of the assintomticas infections, of the fever the affection subdividing itself in fever of the classic affection and indiferenciada fever (viral syndrome), and finally the pictures less frequent, as for example, the hepatitis and those that compromise the nervous system.

The classic affection is in the majority of the cases benign and its manifestations vary how much to the intensity and types of symptoms, the characteristics of the virus and the affected population. The same one is folloied of intense chronic headache, gastrintestinais pain to retrocular, arthralgias, mialgias and manifestations as, for example, vomits and anorexy. In some cases, discrete hemorrhagic phenomena can occur as epistaxe, petquias and gengivorragias, however they can not characterize a case of hemorrhagic affection. These symptoms vary of people for people. In the children, however the affection can be assintomtica or can be disclosed as fever indiferenciada and also folloied of enxatema to maculopapular. The hemorrhagic affection (DHF/DSS), in what it says respect the form of if initiating, is similar the classic form of the affection, with high fever, nauseas and vomits, arthralgias and mialgias. In as or the third day of illness, the hemorrhagic phenomena start to appear, with petquias in the face, palatal veil, armpits and extremities. Some tests as of positive bell crank for the one insufflation can be carried through esfigmomanmetro, what it can precede the spontaneous sprouting of the hemorrhagic sufuses.

Comments (0) May 23 2015

Earth Preservation

Posted: under News.

The aim is to move towards a greater awareness, implied-cation and requalification of students and faculty in the field of prevention of occupational risks. It’s educating each impending worker in prevention, which thoroughly familiar with their rights and duties in the field of occupational safety as well as the main measures of prevention and protection to be applied when joining the labor activity. The Government delegate, accompanied by the provincial delegate of employment, Irene Sabalete, has held a meeting with 30 students who have participated in the day of today Monday this week of open doors and that, in particular, they are doing two courses of FPE: one of sales administration and another Office employee. This activity in the center of occupational health of Jaen is part of the more than half a hundred acts including programming driven by the Junta de Andalucia on the occasion of the commemoration during the month of February the day of Andalusia. Other initiatives that Excel in the calendar are the intergenerational VII Conference, which will be held in Linares, and that school children and members of various associations of elders, will gather as well as story and poetry contest awards ceremony for over 65 years. Added to them are activities that focus on surrounding culture and jiennenses and Andalusian traditions, such as visits to mills, gastronomic tasting, and breakfast with products from the Earth, and commemoration of the 28-F at the dife – rentes educational centers, among others.

Comments (0) May 20 2015